Access to and use of e-commerce site are regulated by these Terms and Conditions.
The site and the MyWineStore trademark is the property of Wine Corporation srl, with registered offices in Via Sabaudia n. 56, registered at the Chamber of Commerce, Latina under no. 03276660598, VAT number IT03276660598.
Users of the online store and of the services offered by MyWineStore declare they have read and accepted these terms of sale.
Premise: alcohol and spirits items can not be purchased by underage customers under current legislation.
Modifications to the terms
The following conditions may be changed at any time and will take effect upon publication on the site, so our Customers are advised to check at every purchase any amendments to the conditions of sale on the shop.
In order to use the MyWineStore services, users must register on the site, providing true and complete data required by the registration form and accept the privacy policy in its entirety and the present general conditions.
The customer / buyer warrants that the owner of the goods purchased in the online shop is an adult. If not, MyWineStore is not reponsible for untrue data entry.
Exhibits and purchase process
All prices quoted on the website include VAT and are subject to periodical change without notice. In case of discrepancies between the prices posted on the site and any advertising images, the real prices to be considered are those quoted on the online store page.
Every order placed constitutes a purchase request of the products published on the site. Orders are subject to availability and discretionary acceptance of MyWineStore, which reserves the right not to confirm an order, in particular in the case of unavailability of one or more products requested. In this case we will refund the price of shipping charges incurred by the customer.
The current availability of the product is indicative, since various customers could be buying the same product at the same time and thus make it unavailable.
Photos posted are for information only and do not guarantee product quality. Moreover not always the photograph shows the actual vintage for sale, so one must refer only to the year mentioned in the product name.
PRODUCT Abnormalities
If there were to be something wrong with the product purchased from the site MyWineStore, the customer is required to keep the bottle with at least 3/4 of its content retaining the original cap and reporting the problem within 6 months of purchase sending all at their expenses TO: Wine Corporation srl, via Sabaudia n. 56-04017 San Felice Circeo (LT), ITALY. An expert will be appointed to check the conditionS of the product and if he/she were to confirm the abnormality manifested , the Wine Corporation srl will refund shipping costs and the cost of the bottle or will send the customer a shopping voucher of equal amount to be spent on MyWineStore website. The wines for which the replacement is not possible to have the wines "vintage" and then the products of more than one year prior to the current production.
Loyalty points
Completing a purchase on, permits you to accumulate points to be converted into vouchers. Loyalty points accumulate with every purchase and will be associated to the profile of each customer allowing for discounts on future purchases.
The service only works for clients registered to the site and points accumulated are visible, after authentication, in the "loyalty points" customer account, where it will be possible to control the balance, the progress of the points and anything else related to the customer account.
The discount obtained can be spent on orders with a minimum amount of € 150 (excluding shipping costs).
Value of the points: each product shows the number of loyalty points which you are entitled to after purchase . For every euro purchased you are entitled to 1 point worth € 0.01.
Reporting Program Customer
The "Message Program" allows you to save money by inviting friends to visit the MyWineStore website.
For each friend invited, MyWineStore gives a 5 euro discount to the sponsor of a new customer registered.
Taking advantage of the program is easy: when making the first order, simply access the "Message Program" within the client account and fill in the form by typing the name, surname and e-mail of your friends. They will then receive an email that will invite them to join the site by entering the e-mail address of the sponsor. Immediately after registering they will receive a valid code as a discount voucher. The sponsor must instead wait for their first purchase.
The discount obtained can be spent on orders with a minimum amount of € 150 (excluding shipping costs).
The timing and method of delivery are detailed in the Delivery page on the MyWiNeStore website .
The methods of payment and the applied rules are detailed in the Payments page on the MyWineStore website.
Right of withdrawal
Purchases on MyWineStore are subject to the discipline of Legislative Decree no. 21/2014 which guarantees the right of withdrawal. Details for exercising this right are shown in the right page on the MyWineStore Site.
MyWineStore guarantees the customer that the personal data acquired in connection with the sale of the products will always be treated lawfully and correctly and in full compliance with the provisions of D. Lgs June 30th 2003 n. 196, Code regarding the protection of personal data, and subsequent amendments, and European legislation, General Data Protection Regulation n. 679/2016 (GDPR).
For more details on this please refer to the Privacy and Cookies page.
Electronic invoice
By placing an order on website, you give your consent to receive only the electronic invoice. The invoice must be printed and filed as an original in accordance with the Ministerial Circular Note 45 / E, 19/10/2005.
Intellectual property rights
The contents of MyWineStore, such as, images, photographs, music, sounds and videos, slogans, documents, drawings, figures, logos and any other material, in any format , published on MyWineStore, including menus, web pages, graphics, colors, schemes, tools, fonts, design of the site, diagrams, layouts, and software that are part of MyWineStore are protected by copyright and any other intellectual property or the availability of Wine Corporation srl and other rights holders. Reproduction, in whole or in part, in any form, of MyWineStore of its contents, without the written consent of Wine Corporation srl is prohibited. You are therefore only allowed to view the site and its contents and to do all other acts of temporary reproduction, devoid of economic significance, which are considered transient or incidental, integral and essential part of viewing MyWineStore and its contents and all other search operations on the Site that are only performed for a legitimate use of MyWineStore and its contents
Governing Law and Jurisdiction
These terms and all disputes relating to the performance, interpretation and validity of this contract are subject to Italian law. The parties agree to donate any dispute, within the limits of applicable legislation, to the jurisdiction of the Italian courts with exclusive jurisdiction identified in the Forum of Latina, Italy.
Limitation of Liability
The Wine Corporation srl has taken every precaution to ensure its users that the MyWineStore contents are accurate and do not contain any incorrect or out of date information, to the date of publication on the website and, as far as possible thereafter. However it does not assume any responsibility towards users for the accuracy and completeness of the content posted on the site, except for its liability for tort and gross negligence and as otherwise provided by law.
Those who access the WEBSite SHOULD adopt appropriate anti-virus and firewall protection, and raise MyWineStore FROM any liability for any damage caused by viruses. They also raise the Wine Corporation srl any liability arising from damaged files, errors, omissions, service interruptions, deletions of content, network problems, providers or telephone and / or computer connections, unauthorized access, alteration of data, failure and / or defective functioning of electronic equipment itself.
The customer is solely responsible for the safekeeping and credentials that allow access to confidential services that may be available on the site, as well as for any damages that might arise against the MyWineStore a result of incorrect use, loss, and subtracting those credentials.
For any information or complaint, you can send an email to
In general, although not expressly written, apply the rules of law in respect of distance contracts. Any litigation will be subject to Italian jurisdiction.